From Shelton, Connecticut, USA
aka United Technologies / Sikorsky, Lockheed Martin / OEM Controls / Ametek-Hayden Kerk / Shelton Public School System / Hubbell / Intuitive Surgical / Logicbroker / Valley Community Foundation & Shelton High School
Rookie Year: 1999
Last competed in 2020
Data provided by the FIRST Events API

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Robot Name: Talon

Event Results

Overall, Team 230 had an average qual score of 90.94 and an average playoff score of 140.50 in 2015.

NE District - Waterbury Event

to Week 1

Team 230 had an average qual score of 65.92 and an average playoff score of 85.12

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3654 2064 230 3780 3464 1991 76 28
3634 5746 1099 999 5129 230 48 102
237 230 228 5142 2170 5686 52 12
237 3634 155 230 1071 1991 47 34
3314 230 5686 176 2170 2836 50 96
5686 1071 3461 230 195 3780 8 30
4055 4557 230 1991 558 4628 49 23
4628 3654 3461 3104 230 5142 6 22
236 195 3104 2067 230 3634 24 56
230 3461 236 1071 195 3718 126 64
4628 230 5746 3314 228 2067 88 108
4572 999 3718 230 176 558 92 106
230 236 3464 1991 5129 195 67 8
230 236 3464 228 2064 155 104 70
230 236 3464 228 2064 155 68 40
230 236 3464 558 237 4557 90 57
230 236 3464 3314 2067 1099 76 55
230 236 3464 558 237 4557 114 91
230 236 3464 558 237 4557 72 80
230 236 3464 558 237 4557 90 50

NE District - UMass - Dartmouth Event

to Week 3

Team 230 had an average qual score of 90.75 and an average playoff score of 159.00

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5752 1124 230 4908 5738 3780 77 28
230 4311 2079 125 5112 155 76 117
121 2079 4908 230 2423 1519 55 166
78 3780 230 1124 1350 1519 66 150
121 230 155 2877 4908 125 72 48
88 1350 246 230 2877 1027 106 47
230 5112 3780 121 1811 1124 86 86
125 230 88 2423 102 121 118 18
5738 2079 1519 230 102 3958 151 125
88 3236 102 230 5738 4796 108 64
78 5112 1519 230 3236 5735 142 104
1350 155 125 246 230 97 110 88
230 1519 4908 5112 2423 121 166 20
230 1519 4908 5738 2079 3236 121 32
230 1519 4908 125 246 97 170 126
230 1519 4908 1124 155 1350 181 68
230 1519 4908 2877 5735 1027 156 116
230 1519 4908 125 246 97 154 78
230 1519 4908 125 246 97 165 102

NE District - Hartford Event

to Week 5

Team 230 had an average qual score of 116.17 and an average playoff score of 185.29

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4628 4097 839 4557 230 5686 79 135
230 3555 5142 5686 1699 571 106 90
228 181 230 1699 3555 1124 131 98
5129 230 236 2836 4055 95 142 128
195 3182 3654 95 173 230 103 64
178 230 1124 175 3146 5129 152 76
4557 467 2170 558 3464 230 78 18
4557 4572 5129 230 999 195 54 121
177 5746 230 571 3555 1991 130 88
3104 2064 228 3634 2836 230 68 124
1699 1740 230 3104 558 236 157 104
3634 1699 95 230 3146 467 78 114
230 195 2064 1991 1740 558 194 107
230 195 2064 1124 177 236 178 159
230 195 2064 1124 177 236 165 148
230 195 2064 173 3146 95 200 85
230 195 2064 2170 2067 3464 143 142
230 195 2064 2170 2067 3464 207 175
230 195 2064 2170 2067 3464 210 156

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Robot Name: Talon

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